I have had open house on my brain, trying to think of how I can make it both fun and efficient. I love how this idea has the parent go ahead and clip the child's transportation on my transportation clipchart (you can get the text/ graphics I use as a FREEBIE.
How stinkin' cute is this?? The "where do you live" standard is a BEAST for my kids, so maybe this adorable craftivity will help?
Oh my word, I pray this will work. Getting some kids to hold a pencil right can seem impossible! I totally tried this out myself though and they're right - it leaves you only one option for how to hold onto the pencil. I can imagine a kid finding a way around this trick eventually though...*sigh*
On the topic of writing materials...
My heart is melting just looking at this - right?!? LOVE.
I am definitely going to write a meet the teacher letter this year.
Might have to sneak in a picture of my handsome pug. :)
Genius. 'Nuf said. When are book covers going on sale??
Another way to use paint samples! Lovely!
If you are craving guided reading ideas, you really must go see the post I pinned this idea from. It was incredible!

Ok, ok...not a teaching idea...but it does make me smile!
-Mrs. Cobb

Love your pins! The pug shoes make me laugh. :) I am a new follower, too!
Preschool Wonders
Hi Lola! Welcome and thanks for following! I think my pug needs pug shoes. :)
Found your blog through the linky! Always great to find new friends!
From Blood to Books!
We are favorite number twins! Yay 8!! :)
Jen's Kinder Kids
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