Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hot Dot Pens (giveaway!!) and Literacy WorkStations in Kindergarten

Hello, friends! It has been a busy, busy first month of Kindergarten. Although much time was spent on testing, I am still happy with how everything is going. I have a sweet class! Thank God!
One big part of our work in the last week was getting Literacy Stations rolling. I spend a couple weeks modeling the stations, then a couple weeks letting the kids practice independently while I supervise and coach. Then, I will begin pulling guided reading groups! 
Today, I made posters for most of the stations I use, and the good behaviors I have seen in the last week.

These show my kids this year, and to protect their privacy I am leaving the picture and file I made as private as possible. I assure you though...they are precious!! I wrote "I can" summaries of directions with each picture and placed each in a sheet protector AKA cheapo lamination. These will be taped near each station as visual reminders.
One station that the kids really like is the Word Work Station. I currently have HeidiSongs Jenga ABC houses and Hot Dot Pens at that station. 
Build a Jenga Block Alphabet House!  Freebie from HeidiSongs

I was graciously sent the Hot Dot Pens by Educational Insights to test them out with the many old Hot Dot Cards I inherited with my classroom. They have been in use for 3 weeks now and the batteries are going strong. The kids love the dog and cat characters and the happy noises. The pens also buzz when the child has correctly answered a few questions in the row - and that little buzz is a good incentive to get the answers right! The only downside is that my kids hold the pens around the animal's collar where volume control is at, so they keep changing the volume! That's ok though really, because even at maximum volume the pens are pretty quiet and do not disturb nearby workstations at all!
I am currently using Letter (cap to lowercase) Matching and Rhyming Cards, but as the year goes on I will just by swapping out the cards in this center. I love that although the content will change, the way this activity works never will. In my opinion, these Hot Dot Pens make a great center that is self-checking and easy to differentiate!
Now, don't you want to win a pair of Hot Dot Jr. Pens?!? Enter my giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for visiting my blog!
-Mrs. Cobb
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  1. I would love Place Value cards for the HotDots!

  2. I would love the Hot Dots® Jr. Card Set The Alphabet

  3. Hot Dots® Grade 3: Standards-Based Math Review Cards

  4. Hello, Carol!
    Thanks for the shout out! I'm glad you are getting some use out of the Jenga house!
    I have a set of those Hot Dot pens, too. The kids love those things!

  5. I would like the science card to go with the pens.


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